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Stardust Line Dancing


We believe that anyone can dance! 

It's never too late to start and the rewards are endless!

Our classes are designed to guide you through the steps and we aim to make it easy and enjoyable for everyone.


Join us for Fun, Fitness and Friendship


You don't need any prior experience to enjoy our classes.


You will be guided through the steps of each dance to make sure that you know them.


If you feel that some of the steps are too difficult to do due to mobility issues or any other reason, let me know and I'll try to work out alternative steps for those bits so that you can still dance with us all.


If you don't remember a step when dancing, simply pick it back up where you do remember it. You can walk on the spot, or just dance until you get back into it. I'm told that there are no mistakes, just variations and I'm a big believer in the importance of moving so  dance and have a great time!


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Member of Everything Line Dance Association


Our Line Dancing classes are on every Monday and Friday afternoon, 1pm - 2pm at Somercotes Village Hall, Nottingham Road, Somercotes, and every Wednesday evening at Ridding Park Community Centre, West Street, Riddings.


Always check the NEWS section for any updates, news, etc.

It can be found by clicking on the NEWS link in the menu.


Also check the months calendar for any changes to our monthly schedule. If short notice they will usually be added as a separate post in the news section.

Please ensure that you join the Facebook group as I do add more info there. Please let me know who you are when you join as only those whom have been dancing with us are members. Thanks 😊

^ Click on the link above ^


About Stardust Line Dancing

Stardust Line Dancing offers beginner and improver level line dancing classes. Our low-impact, gentle classes are perfect for anyone looking to keep fit while having a great time. Come join us and learn new dances!


View the events calendar for a full schedule of upcoming events and classes.

Dance your way to a happier, healthier you!


Are you looking for a fun and exciting way to get in shape and improve your mental well-being? Look no further than Stardust Line Dancing!


At Stardust Line Dancing, we believe in building a strong sense of community among our dancers. Our classes are a great place to meet new people and make friends while learning new dances


While line dancing can improve your coordination, balance, and flexibility, the benefits go beyond just physical fitness. As you move to the music, you will also be able to focus on the present moment and let go of any stress or worries.

In addition, joining Stardust Line Dancing also offers a sense of community and belonging. Our classes bring people from all walks of life together to dance, laugh, and support each other. You will make new friends as you learn and grow together. 

The classes are for all levels - feel welcome to join in on the fun - you can even bring a friend or family member and share the experience with them.

Join today and dance your way to a healthier and happier you. Your body and mind will thank you for it!

Line dancing is fun!

Line dancing is a fantastic way to get moving and have a good time with friends. It's a type of dance that involves repeating steps and movements in a line to music. You don't need a partner, so you can come to the class by yourself and still have a great time. 

Every step is broken down so you can feel comfortable and confident as you learn.

Line dancing is also a great way to improve your coordination, balance and flexibility. As you learn you will be challenging your body in new ways and improving your overall fitness. And let's not forget the social aspect of line dancing. It's a wonderful way to meet new peopled make new friends who share a love for dancing.


Don't worry if you are a complete beginner. We believe that anyone can learn to line dance and have a great time while doing it.


So come and join us and see for yourself how much fun line dancing can be!

Our classes are designed to be a fun way to stay fit. Dancing is a great low-impact exercise that can help improve your cardiovascular health and boost your mood.

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