TUES Line Dance Class - Alfreton 6-7pm
Service Description
LADIES Line Dancing class Christ the King Church Hall , 104 Nottingham Road, Alfreton, Derbyshire. DE55 4GL LADIES ONLY. Suitable for Beginners and those who have done some line dancing. We do a mix of dances in this class.
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Stardust uses Sumup to allow our customers to pay securely online. If you prefer not to pay in advance, you can pay on arrival, cash or card, however please check to ensure there is space available as preference is given to those who book and pay in advance. Payment on arrival/at the door is £6 Please add our email address to your contacts so if we have an important message to send, such as if class is cancelled with short notice, due to venue problems etc then we can contact you to let you know. Cancellation Policy If cancellation is less than 24 hours notice, we reserve the right to charge the full fee as your space has been reserved and we are still liable for the room hire charge even if you don't attend and we may find it difficult to fill your space at such short notice. When paying for 4 class pass or an unlimited pass, you are getting your classes at a reduced rate. Each pass covers you for the calendar month and you can attend your classes during it. We are sorry but we cannot refund for any missing classes during that month should you be unable to attend. Stardust always endeavour to keep open or give you as much notice as possible if a class requires cancelling - this may be due to very bad weather, venue issues, illness, grief etc. In this instance you will be offered a refund or a rollover for all orders which are affected. If Stardust are running classes and you decide not to attend, we cannot refund your payments. To cancel or reschedule, please try to contact me within 48 hours of the lesson, to enable your place to be filled. I do understand that life happens and will try my best to reschedule you asap even if much closer to the lesson time, so please contact - thanks Liability Waiver - Dance fitness classes can be challenging physical activities. All dancers must work within their own capabilities and listen to instruction and guidance at all times. If you experience any discomfort during class, please listen to your body and sit down and rest. Any injury or health concern must be disclosed to the instructor. You will cease participation and contact the instructor if you feel unwell and you will work at your own level in the class. By accepting this agreement you acknowledge that you are fit to participate and have no medical condition that would prevent your safe participation. If you have any medical condition/concerns, you will consult a healthcare provider and obtain clearance to participate.
Contact Details
104 Nottingham Road, Alfreton, UK